April 26, 2020

LUKE 24:13-35

This morning’s Gospel lesson is one that is found only in the Gospel of Luke.  It is a story that reveals to us something about who we are as well as how we can come to know Jesus.  The story of the journey to Emmaus is both a literal and a spiritual journey.

It is a story of two disciples walking the seven miles on a dusty road to their home village of Emmaus.   That morning they had discovered that Jesus’ tomb was empty.  As you can imagine, that was the topic of conversation as they walked along.  They were mulling the situation over in their minds, trying to make some sense out of what seemed the impossible.

The story, however, is also one that outlines for each of us the journey that we all take from not recognizing Jesus, to understanding what the Scripture says about Him, to recognizing Him for who He is, and finally to our giving witness of what we have experienced in our faith journey.  It is also the story of us mulling God’s Word over and accepting that God can and does the impossible.  It is by this faith alone that we are saved.

This spring we have experienced something that has never been experienced before.  The world is plagued by a virus that so far has evaded modern medical science, and has spread rapidly around the world from country to country.  Many families have experienced heartbreak as loved ones become ill and die from the dreaded virus.  We find ourselves, a country that has always prided itself on being ready for anything that comes its’ way, scrambling for the medical supplies that is needed to keep up with the number of ill people.  Many are also suffering the loss of their means of earning a living, and don’t know when they will next receive a pay check.

In these days of uncertainty, the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus teaches us that Jesus cares for each one of us.  Everyone who comes to Him in faith and prayer is the object of His affection and devotion.  It is comforting to know that if we open our spirit to Him, Jesus will join us along the way for He desires to bring each of us healing in times of the heartbreak that is inevitable as long as we are on the leg of the journey here on earth.

Many people have preconceived ideas of who Jesus is, including that he should do.  But when things don’t turn out like they would like them to, and their faith, if they had any at all, waivers.  Yet, we need to recognize that while God always has a plan, we are not always privy to that plan.  When things don’t turn out like we expect, instead of giving up and admitting defeat, we need to consider that perhaps God’s plan is something that we simply do not understand.

As the disciples walked along the road that day, there was much that they did not understand.  Even though Jesus had told them that He would rise again, it just did not seem possible.  It was part of God’s plan that all of us have to take on faith.

Jesus eventually opened their eyes to see who He was.  Can you imagine the excitement they must have felt?  They said to one another, “Did not our hearts burn within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?” Their encounter with Jesus had been emotional. It had stirred them on the inside. It had moved their very hearts. And once moved they could not help but share.

After Jesus had shared a meal with them, dark as it was, late as it was, dangerous as the road was, they left immediately for Jerusalem. There they gave witness that Jesus was risen, that He had walked with them and talked with them, explained the Scriptures to them, and broke bread at their table.

On our road to Emmaus, as we experience the joy and peace that Christ brings, it is the sharing of the good news that Christ expects of us.  We can share it by showing the love of Christ in us.  Our kindness, gentleness, accepting and forgiving nature speaks louder than any words could ever do. Now more than any other time, the love and peace of Christ needs to be shared with those who do not know Him.

As we close this morning, let us close our eyes for a moment, and picture our congregation at worship together, for we are together in spirit and Christian love.  Let us remember that Jesus is always with us, walking with us on whatever road we are on at the moment.  Why not talk to Him this week in prayer and supplication.  It is through fellowship with Jesus that He discloses Himself to us.  If we let Him, Jesus will reveal Himself to us, and will open for us the truths of His Word.   May you experience the love and peace this week that only relying on Jesus can bring.
