May 22 – John

JOHN 14:23-29

Today’s Gospel lesson is one of those that is packed with multiple messages that we could talk about this morning including obedience, the Holy Spirit and peace. This morning, I would like us to concentrate on peace.  In a world in turmoil, we all long for peace for all people.  Peace to live our lives without fear, and peace in our hearts.

I would like to begin with this story I recently read.  A man found himself on a train sitting in his assigned seat between two ladies. And unfortunately for him, the two ladies were arguing constantly about whether the window should be open or shut. The lady farthest from the window argued that she would die of heat stroke if it wasn’t opened.

The other said she would certainly catch pneumonia if it didn’t stay closed. When the ticket taker arrived the ladies begged him to come up with a solution. But unfortunately he didn’t have a solution. Finally the man had had enough and spoke up. “First open the window. That will kill the one. Then close it. That will kill the other. Then we will have peace.”

Our world today in hungry for peace! Peace is a commodity we sorely need in our world and is absent for far too many. From those who suffer from war and bloody battles within their countries to those who are addicted to drugs and alcohol, all hunger for peace.  When Jesus came to walk upon this earth, He came to bring peace.  Luke 1:79 tells us, He came “to give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.”

However, the peace that Jesus brings to us is not an absence of conflict in the world or in our hearts at times, Jesus does not remove the conflict but supports us and calms our hearts during the conflict.

The question is, how do we accept this gift that Jesus offers us?  Someone wrote, “Peace with God brings the peace of God.  It is a peace that settles our nerves, fills our mind, floods our spirit and in the midst of the uproar around us gives us the assurance that everything is alright.”

As in all cases, Jesus models what perfect peace look like.  Jesus was even at peace when he was being arrested, accused unjustly, beaten and nailed to the cross.  His peace stemmed from His relationship with God, the Father, and our relationship with God is what will bring us peace also.  There can be no peace without a relationship with God.  Today, people search for peace in all sorts of places.  Perhaps they will gain peace if they just purchase the latest advertised gadget, or perhaps they will find it in the effects of the mind numbing effects of drinking alcohol.  Search as they might, peace is not found in any of these things. What they find is just more misery and longing for something they can’t identify or find.

The truth is, we can only find true peace in our hearts by building a relationship with God.  There is no other way!  We need to have faith that God is in control, no matter how crazy the world around us becomes, we need to read God’s Word and try to live our lives the way that Jesus has modeled for us.  Will we be perfect?  Of course not, but by turning our lives over to Jesus, by going to Him in prayer for guidance, and by following the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit, we can find peace in our hearts.  Notice that not only did Jesus have a close connection with God, the Father, but He never took His focus off him.  He drew His strength from God knowing that there was nothing to fear.  And as Jesus’ disciples, we have nothing to fear, for Jesus died so that we might have eternal life.

“I do not give to you as the world gives.” The biggest contrast between the world’s peace and the peace Jesus gives is the world cannot bring peace between man and God, but Jesus can and did. He is called the prince of peace for he came to bring peace between man and God through his sacrifice for each of us on the cross.

As we leave here this morning to begin our new week, let us remember Jesus’  powerful words, and take them to heart.  Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” Peace of heart, is Jesus’ gift to us, will you accept it?
